Friday, December 22, 2017

Happy Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice sunrise and sunset
Yesterdy, December 21st, was the Winter Solstice. We celebrate the Winter Solstice with a ritual derived from both Celtic paganism and Celtic Christianity. With smudge stick and bell, we bless Bean Hill and all living things on and around the property. Winter Solstice is a time for renewal and hope; on the longest night of the year, we look forward to the increasing light and the magic of the next growing season. Our ritual concludes with lighting the Yule Log, and toasting to the new year with a glass of mead. May your New Year be filled with light and love.
Ritual requirements:
Smudge stick, bell and mead


Susan said...

Lovely, Merry Christmas!

Ann said...

Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, and happy New Year.
Grow well and prosper, Bean Hill.